Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Why the Socialists should go the way of Benito Mussolini

After the second World War, the Italians hung their Socialist Leader Benito, and his wife.
He had cooperated with Adolph Hitler and helped round up the Italian Jews. "Il Duce" as he was called was just another anti-government of the people dictator.

This current group of socialists in the Government, have lied to the American people and are bent on taking away 'all our freedoms' and to destroy Our God given freedoms. Jesus called Satan a, "liar from the beginning", This is exactly what the SOB, (and he is) in the white house.

If a real American citizen prove it. Did he really graduate from College or was it someone else using his name? Where did the money come from to attend? I believe the entire group of democrats know he is not an American citizen. Their all part of the one world government, whose agenda is to kill off 2/3 rds of the worlds citizens by any means possible, because of the lie of Global Warming and a lack of the minerals and other fossil fuels to maintain their life styles of Greed and Corruption. They claim we are running out of farm land and cannot grow enough food. It is nothing more than a giant hoax perpetrated on the dumbed down students of America's schools run by a bunch of over-paid administrators in league with the one world agenda. Scientists who agree with global warming know its a lie but if your getting free money from the geoverment why give it up? Because their to stupid to do anything else.

We must vote them out in just a few more days. Those still in the Senate because their terms have not yet expired had better side with we, The owners of this country or will vote them out next time.
I have a copy of the Republicans, "Contract to America". If you also lied, you too can be voted out of office.

Remember, If you love your family and God you better vote or kiss your Ass goodbye and die.

Angus the scot;  American family since before the Declaration of Independence was signed by a family relation, John Hancock.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nick. I've seen the pictures of Mussolini and how they killed him, and what they did to him afterward. This was years ago, when photos were still on glossy paper and were actually made from film. I don't think we want to go there with Obama, Reid and Pelosi. That was pretty grisly. But I understand the sentiment. The world doesn't need any more socialists, that's for sure.
